5 Tips on Marketing Rental Property with Social Media


About 80% of Millennials find their next home by picking up their mobile device and browsing online. This includes social media. If you aren’t marketing your rental property on social media, then you’re missing out on a large potential lead pool. 

This guide will give you some tips for marketing with Facebook 

1. Who Is Your Audience? 

Like other forms of marketing, you’ll want to create a digital marketing strategy that speaks directly to your audience. Create profiles for the different types of people you want your properties to appeal to. Choose a geographic area, income level, and other defining demographics. 

Then create content and ads that will appeal to each of your audience profiles. Tailor the content to appeal to what that audience considers the most important features. This could be the number of bedrooms, whether pets are allowed, or the cost of the rent. 

2. Use Professional Pictures  

No matter who you target, you must use professional pictures of the actual property. Whether you choose to advertise with Instagram or some other social media platform, professional pictures make your content stand out. 

Focus on the amenities of the property. Show the unique and most desirable features. 

3. Make It Easy to Contact You

Make it easy for people to contact you. If they have to hunt for your email or phone number, they won’t bother. Start by updating your profile or business page information. 

  • Phone number 
  • Email
  • Physical address 
  • Operating hours 

Consider how you want people to contact you. This means you may want to make one method of communication more prominent. Then you won’t have to check different communication platforms for possible leads. 

4. Post in the Marketplace 

The Facebook Marketplace gives you a place to list your properties. Consider using this as a supplement to your other real estate postings. What’s nice about this option is that there’s a contact button right on the listing. 

5. Share Posts About Your Properties 

Join community groups and start talking to renters. This helps you understand the types of property people are looking for. Now you can position your rentals to be appealing. 

When participating in these groups, share your posts and other content. This gets the word out about your available properties. The more people that know about your rentals, the more potential tenant leads you’ll have. 

You can also develop your reputation as an authoritative resource. This will encourage people to reach out to you. 

Start Marketing Rental Property

With these five tips, you’ll be better prepared for marketing rental property on social media platforms. Start by creating a plan with a targeted intended audience. Then use professional pictures when creating your ads. 

Focus on spreading the word about your available properties by posting them on the Facebook Marketplace, on your pages, and in relevant groups. Most importantly, make it easy for interested potential tenants to contact you.