How Long Does the Eviction Process Take?

There are many great reasons to be a landlord. It's an investment that gives you a steady stream of income for a long period...

Know Your Rights: Is Your Landlord Trespassing?

Most lease contracts state that a landlord has a 'visitation right.' This is the opposite of the tenant's right to privacy. 
What to Do if Your Landlord Wrongly Keeps Your Security Deposit

Lacking Security: What to Do if Your Landlord Wrongly Keeps Your Security Deposit

It happens time and time again and is something that renters almost expect as a loss: landlords keeping the security deposit when...
What to Do If a Tenant Can't Pay Rent

What to Do If a Tenant Can’t Pay Rent

Recent statistics show that 30 million Americans have sought unemployment aid since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. The financial implications...

Proof of Income: This Is What Landlords Check

Did you know that 10.6 million Americans rely on income from their rental properties? Because many landlords need this...

7 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Credit Score and Secure Your Financial Future

The importance of having a good credit score cannot be overstated. Your credit score can affect your ability to get a loan...

Everything You Need to Know About the Laws of Paying Rent

As a tenant, it's important to understand the laws and regulations surrounding the payment of rent. Not only will this knowledge protect...
Rent Smart, Not Hard: Slash Your Housing Costs with These Genius Hacks

Rent Smart, Not Hard: Slash Your Housing Costs with These Genius Hacks

Soaring rent prices can feel like a perpetual storm cloud, but fear not, budget-conscious tenants! With a little strategic planning and some...