How to Get Rid of Cigarette Smell

How to Get Rid of Cigarette Smell and Other Unwanted Smells in Your New...

You enter your new apartment and everything looks great — the view is just as you imagined, everything looks clean, and you're already picturing how you're going to decorate the walls. 
How to Test for Lead in Your Rental Property

How to Test for Lead in Your Rental Property

Are you worried that your property might have a lead problem? Was your child recently tested with results that showed exposure to lead? Are you pregnant and want to...
What Happens if there is an Injury at Your Rented Property?

Landlord Liability: What Happens if there is an Injury at Your Rented Property?

Almost 40% of American families rent their home.  While that number is good for your business, it also introduces potential risks as well. That many people mean the chance of someone...
What Happens if a Tenant Sends an Early Termination of Lease?

What Happens if a Tenant Sends an Early Termination of Lease?

Your tenant just sends you an early termination of lease. What do you do? You can go on the defense and tell your tenant they’re responsible for rent until...
7 Warning Signs of Bad Tenants

7 Warning Signs of Bad Tenants

There's no doubt about it- working as a landlord is a hard job. Between marketing your rental properties to keeping up with maintenance to answering tenant inquiries, working as a landlord can leave you...
How to Avoid Rental Scams

How to Avoid Rental Scams: 10 Red Flags to Look Out For

Searching for new housing to rent is a stressful situation on its own. You're worried about hiring movers, finding a place that's ready when you need it, having good enough credit, and...
Top Rental Market Trends to Look Out for in 2019

Top Rental Market Trends to Look Out for in 2019

The rental market in the United States has been booming in recent years. If you’re thinking about investing in the real estate market in 2019 or 2020, the are a few key...
Every Tenant Wants These 10 Apartment Amenities

Every Tenant Wants These 10 Apartment Amenities

Did you know that 36% of the United States people are renting out their homes rather than buying them?  Renters rely on filling their apartment buildings to make a steady income.
The Top 10 Benefits of Renting Instead of Buying

The Top 10 Benefits of Renting Instead of Buying

While the US is a nation of homeowners, more than 100 million Americans live in rented homes.  Although some renters aspire to own their own home in the future, renting is often...
How To Appeal An Eviction If A Landlord Is Being Unreasonable

How To Appeal An Eviction If A Landlord Is Being Unreasonable: A Complete Guide

America is facing a housing crisis. Studies conducted in 2017 labeled nearly half of all renters as "rent-burdened," meaning they spend more than 30 percent of their income on rent.  In fact, 2.3...