The Ultimate Guide to Rental Advertising

The Ultimate Guide to Rental Advertising

A landlord's job is made infinitely easier when the right tenants are in place. Yet, finding those perfect people or families to fill your...
10 Landlord-Friendly Apartment Upgrades

10 Landlord-Friendly Apartment Upgrades

The rental market is booming this year with 11,514 new units coming on the market in New York alone. All of those new units mean a...
Free Notice of Rent Increase

Free Notice of Rent Increase Download in Word

If you are fortunate enough to have great tenants and the rental market is strong, you may have the opportunity to begin increasing the...
Tenant and Landlord Responsibilities for Maintenance and Repair

Tenant and Landlord Responsibilities for Maintenance and Repair – Whose Job Is It?

Landlord and tenant law has been around since the medieval era when lords of the land would own large estates. They would allow serfs to build...
Is Being a Landlord Worth It? The Real Costs of Owning Rental Property

Is Being a Landlord Worth It? The Real Costs of Owning Rental Property

If you're new to the world of being a landlord, there's likely a lot of things you have yet to discover. On the surface, purchasing a...
10 Things You Should Include in Your Rental Agreement

Lease Terms: 10 Things You Should Include in Your Rental Agreement

An analysis of Census Bureau information on rental statistics in the United States indicates that more Americans are renting now than has been the...
15 Ways To Be a Good Landlord

Wow Your Tenants: 15 Ways To Be a Good Landlord

Almost 37 percent of Americans rent the home they live in. That's an estimated 43.3 million household heads! Being a landlord can be a rewarding experience...
How to Get Out of A Lease

How to Get Out of A Lease – Tips and Tricks

In some cases, as a renter, you may have to break your lease. This could be for a variety of reasons including divorce or...
rental calculator

Rental Calculator – Top 5 Calculators for Renters

If you are a renter and are looking to see how much rent you can afford, a rental calculator is a perfect tool to...
The Newbie Landlord's Guide to Taking on a New Tenant

The Newbie Landlord’s Guide to Taking on a New Tenant

Did you recently decide that you're going to start renting out an apartment, a condominium, or, better yet, a home that you own? If so,...