Are Real Estate Infomercials the Canary in The Coal Mine?

2016 and 2017 so far has been reminiscent of 2005 - 2007 before the crash. Back then, similar to today, real estate infomercials and get rich quick schemes ran on the late night airwaves....

Landlord Insurance – Learn the Basics

The Basics of Landlord Insurance If you own rental property, or are planning on it in the future, being familiar with various insurance options is important to keep in mind. Like all matters related to insurance,...

Rental Supply is Starting to Outpace Rental Demand

When supply begins to outpace demand, prices for the product will decrease.  We are starting to see this happen within the apartment and rental space. Specifically in the luxury market, developers have over developed while...
Eviction Notice

Time to Evict? Here are 7 Basic Principles to Follow

So the time has come where you have to evict a tenant.  We will not get into the many reasons that could force the hand toward eviction, as that is a whole different entry....
Landlord Business Plan

The Ultimate Landlord Business Plan

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); This guide will help you develop the ultimate landlord business plan from scratch. Like any business, it is essential to understand the micro and macro environment, your competition,...
Breaking the Lease

Your Tenant is Breaking the Lease – Now What?

There may come a time when your tenant notifies you that he/she is breaking the lease and it is your responsibility to be aware of what to do if those circumstances arise. Breaking the Lease...
Property Management Certifications

Property Management Certifications and Licenses – The Top 3

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Property Management Certifications and Licenses are an excellent way to keep up to date on the new laws and trends within the rental industry. Many real estate investors...
Cost of Hardware Storage

How the Cost of Hardware Storage will Change the Rental Industry

In 2004, Google released Gmail. Gmail was the first web-based email service to offer 1 gigabyte (GB) of storage for free. This was unheard of back then, their closest competitor, Hotmail only offered 2...
Colorado (Senate Bill 17-245

Raising the Rent? Be Familiar with Local Regulations

In a market where supply is short and demand is high, a landlord is typically in a good position to be able to raise the market rent for their property.  Any increase in rent...
Artificial Intelligence and Rentals

Will AI (Artificial Intelligence) Change the Rental Industry

Here is a test. Can you distinguish which poem below was written by a human and which one was written by a machine. Poem #1 A home transformed by the lightning the balanced alcoves smother this insatiable earth...